2020. Photo by Attila Balázs. Courtesy of The LEGO Group
Since 2014, we've built our own mosaics, recreated artworks by and collaborated with national and international artists all over the world. Many of our projects have been going on for years, and we revisit them from time to time. ___
We've been working with Jósa András Museum, Nyíregyháza, Hungary for five years, and our collaboration opened up the world of museums to us. Some of our murals were built and have been exhibited in the Hungarian National Gallery, Ludwig Museum, Museum of Fine Arts, and Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music in Budapest, Hungary. We also created a series of mosaics at Sziget Festival in 2022. ___
Our Mix the Bricks project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary involved over 800 students and accompanying teachers of 41 schools from all over the country. We also collaborated with the German Embassy in Budapest, Hungary to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Moreover, we've had the privilege to build lots of our mosaics with thousands of visitors, primary and secondary school groups at other events throughout the years. Some of them are displayed in our city. ___
And we're extremely proud to announce our 2023 project, which is about diversity, inclusion, and acceptance. ___
You can find a really cool, high resolution image of the Monkey on the link below. Don't forget to zoom in for the details.
Original art by Rola Rafal Elements: 17,378 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Kállay Rudolf Vocational Secondary School, Nagykálló, Hungary
Gipsy Girl Original art by Kinga Fojtovics Elements: 19,111 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Patay István Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Nyírmada, Hungary
Santa Claus Elements: 3,127 Built in our school, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Elements:19,857 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation in II Rákóczi Ferenc Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Elements: 21,684 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation in Barsi István Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Komádi, Hungary
Original art by Marcell Lakatos Elements: 24,126 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation in József Attila Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Original art by Emese Erős és Lilla Hegyesi Elements: 34,953 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation in Hunyadi Mátyás Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Original art by Lora Vasas Elements: 11,389 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation in Széchenyi István Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Viktor Göllesz portrait Elements: 9,126 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Göllesz Viktor Primary and Vocational School, and currently displayed in the school, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Pieces Original art by Norbert Oláh Elements: 24,613 Built as part of our Diversity project in Bálna, Budapest, Hungary
Original art by Bence Gyöngyösi Elements: 23,572 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation, and currently displayed in the primary school in Biharkeresztes, Hungary
Elements: 34,953 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation, and currently displayed in the primary school in Körösszakál, Hungary
Original art by Lilien Gerdai Elements: 34,953 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation, and currently displayed in the primary school in Magyarhomorog, Hungary
Original art by Gergő Egedi Elements: 34,953 Built as part of our Diversity project in Sinka István Town Library, Berettyóújfalu, Hungary, and in the Community House, Komádi, Hungary
Original art by Gergő Egedi Created for us at Sziget Festival 2023
Original art by Le Pez Elements: 34,953 Built as part of our Diversity project at ¡Hola Budapest! festival, in the studio of Nyíregyháza Vocational Center, in our school, and in the primary school of Real Pearl Foundation in Körösszegapáti, Hungary, where it is currently displayed
Chicken Original art by ZetaZeus Elements: 19,759 Built at Népszínház Festival, and currently displayed in Studio 22, Budapest, Hungary
Original art by VOID Gergő Elements: 15,198 Built and currently displayed in Kisbirtok Kultbázis, Zánka, Hungary
Juli Fábián portrait. Original art by Jakab Erdély Elements: 34,953 Built as part of our Diversity project at JusTeenTime in Budapest Park, Budapest, Hungary, and currently displayed there
Pit Crew. Original art by Rob Anderson Elements: 34,953 Built on Nyíregyházi Vocational Center's SzakMaFest Day in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Nyíregyháza. Original art by Regina Szuromi (tekerd!) Elements: 34,953 Built in Váci Mihály Cultural Centre on LEGO's Játékváros Day in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Don't Believe The Hype. Part 1 and 2. Original art by Toxicómano Callejero Elements: 44,846 Built as part of our Diversity project in Sinka István Town Library, Berettyóújfalu, Hungary. Completed in our school
LEGOLEM. Part 1. Original art by Jakab Erdély Elements: 34,953 Built as part of our Diversity project in Csányi utca, Budapest, Hungary. Currently displayed in Gólem Theatre
Káli Godess. Original art by Dorka Jakócs Elements: 34,953 Built as part of our Diversity project and currently displayed in Kisbirtok Kultbázis, Zánka, Hungary
Together. Original art by Edem Szabó (tekerd!) Elements: 176,475 Built as part of our Diversity project at Sziget Festival, Budapest, Hungary
Original art by Mark Rise Elements: 34,953 Built as part of our Diversity project in Nyírbátor, Hungary
Rainbow Girls. Original art by Bureau Alice Elements: 17,685 Built as part of our Diversity project in Sóstói Múzeumfalu, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Original art by David Shillinglaw Elements: 34,953 Built as part of our Diversity project at the Night Of Museums in Kállay Collection, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
HD 120 Elements: 34,953 Built as part of our Diversity project in Puskás Aréna, Budapest, Hungary
35 Elemets: 12,873 Built as part of our Diversity project, and currently displayed in Kikelet Kindergarten, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Tiger. Original art by Adrienn Vincze and Zoltán Kovács Colouring: Edem Szabó Elements: 34,224 Built as part of our Diversity project in our school
Don't Believe The Fight. Part 1. Original art by Toxicómano Elements: 34,224 Built as part of our Diversity project in Sinka István Town Library, Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Split. Original art by David Obi Elements: 34,224 Built as part of our Diversity project in Sinka István Town Library, Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Kittizens. Original art by Rob Anderson Elements: 34,224 Built as part of our Diversity project at Vizslapark, Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
Original art by Omiyera Ibrahim Elements: 24,574 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Bem József Primary School, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Dream Machine VIII. Original art by David Shillinglaw Elements: 34,317 Built as part of our Diversity project and in the student's hostel of Zrínyi Ilona Secondary School and Student's Hostel, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Presentimiento. Original art by Zesar Bahamonte Elements: 34,432 Built as part of our Diversity project in our school, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
NASA JPL Voyager Elements: 7898 Built and currently displayed at Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary
NASA JPL Voyager Elements: 7898 Built and currently displayed at Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary
Kristóf Kállay portrait Bricks: 34,376 Built and currently displayed in Kállay Collection Museum, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Abuelos Plazas. Original art by Ceroker Elements: 38,688 Built as part of our Diversity project in Gárdonyi Géza Primary School, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Humanoid. Original art by David Shillinglaw Elements: 34,224 Built as part of our Diversity project in Herman Ottó Primary School, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
1st part of Abuelos Plazas. Original art by Ceroker Elements: 19,344 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Petőfi Sándor Primary School, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Petőfi 200 Bricks: 34,224 Built and currently displayed in Petőfi Sándor Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
15th March. The City Together - for Liberty and Dignity Elements: 11,147 Built at Városháza Park, Budapest, Hungary
Sarcophagus Bricks: 34,224 Built and currently displayed in Déri Museum in Debrecen, Hungary
Water. Original art by Ofoe Richie Bricks: 34,224 Built as part of our Diversity project in Déri Museum in Debrecen, Hungary
Déri Museum Bricks: 34,224 Built and currently displayed in Déri Museum in Debrecen, Hungary
Giver. Original art by Rob Anderson Bricks: 27,360 Built in our school, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Grinch. Designed by Edem Szabó Bricks: 24,537 Built in our school, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
W for Wesselényi Bricks: 2,304 Built in our school, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Lion colouring. Original art by Adrienn Vincze. Design by Zoltán Kovács Bricks: 9,216 Built at The Art of the Brick exhibition, Budapest, Hungary
Egoless Radiation. Original art by Gergő Egedi Bricks: 5,929
Cat City. Built with the permission of director Béla Ternovszky Bricks: 34,224 Built at Cinemira International Children's and Youth Film Festival in Corvin Cinema, Budapest, Hungary
Super Cool? Part 2. Original art by Super Cool Szyman Bricks: 15,312. Used elements: 2347 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project
Alt Energy. Based on the drawing of Bence Dobos 3/A class student. Bricks: 21,600 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project in Gárdonyi Géza Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
LEGO Flower Girl Bricks: 22,320 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project in Bem József Primary School, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Super Cool? Original art by Super Cool Szyman Bricks: 15,312 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project in Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd. for Applied Research, Budapest, Hungary
Cellist. Original art by Róbert Berény Bricks: 34,560 Built at Sziget Festival, Budapest, Hungary
The Flowers of the Night. Original art by Tibor Réz Diamant Bricks: 34,560 Built at Sziget Festival, Budapest, Hungary
Character Head: The Yawner. Original art by Franz Xaver Messerschmidt Bricks: 34,560 Built at Sziget Festival, Budapest, Hungary
Balaton Bricks: 34,560 Built at Sziget Festival, Budapest, Hungary
Hummingbird Bricks: 9,216 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project in the Town Community Centre and Library in Biharkeresztes, Hungary
Still Life with Fruits, Parrots and White Cockatoo (detail). Original art by Jakab Bogdány Bricks: 34,224 Built as part of the Night of Museums project using second-hand elements for the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
The Esterházy Madonna. Original art by Raffaello Santi Bricks: 34,224 Built as part of the Night of Museums project using second-hand elements for the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Garden of Earthly Delights (detail). Original art by Hieronymus Bosch Bricks: 21,473 Built as part of the Night of Museums project using second-hand elements for the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Character Head: The Yawner. Original art by Franz Xaver Messerschmidt Bricks: 12,139 Built as part of the Night of Museums project using second-hand elements for the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Bricks: 34,224 Built on LEGO Play Day at Sóstó Open Air Museum, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Palenquera. Original art by Ceroker Bricks: 34,224 Built as part of our Environmental Protection and Change Starts With You projects in Budapest Zoo, Budapest, Hungary
Song of the flowers of the meadow. Original art by Adrienn Vincze Bricks: 16,034 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project
Original art by Matt Gondek and Sabek Bricks: 34,224 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project in our school, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Kittizens. Original art by Rob Anderson Bricks: 34,224 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project in Herman Ottó Primary School, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Original art by Banksy Bricks: 20,123 Built as part of our Change Starts With You project in Sinka István Town Library, Berettyóújfalu, Hungary and in our studio
Original art by Banksy Bricks: 20,123 Built as part of our Change Starts With You project in Sinka István Town Library, Berettyóújfalu, Hungary and in our studio
Tiger. Original art by Ledania Bricks: 34,224 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project in Sinka István Town Library, Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Peace. Original art by Aches Bricks: 34,224 Built as part of our Change Starts With You project in Sinka István Town Library, Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Zebras. Original art by Victor Vasarely Bricks: 34,224 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project in Sinka István Town Library, Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Lobo Guará. Original art by Arlin Graff Bricks: 34,224 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project in Sinka István Town Library, Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Gandhi (4-layer version) Bricks: 11,954 Hours: 35 Built as part of our Change Starts With You project
Lion. Original art by Adrienn Vincze Bricks: 11,345 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation, and currently displayed in the primary school in Körösszegapáti, Hungary
Tit bird. Original art by Zsanett Szító Bricks: 16,794 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation in József Attila Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Balaton fish. Original art by Eszter Rózsa Bricks: 18,352 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation in II. Rákóczi Ferenc Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Sempervivum plant. Original art by Adrienn Vincze Bricks: 19,853 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation, and currently displayed in the primary school in Magyarhomorog, Hungary
Kittens. Original art by Réka Tóth Bricks: 12,351 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation in Széchenyi István Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Dodo Bricks: 21,235 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation in Hunyadi Mátyás Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Berettyóújfalu, Hungary
Frog. Original art by Petra Ramóna Cserkúti Bricks: 11,583 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation, and currently displayed in the primary school in Komádi, Hungary
Giraffe. Original art by Adrienn Vincze Bricks: 13,619 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation, and currently displayed in the primary school in Biharkeresztes, Hungary
Mouflon. Original art by Hollóházi Porcelánmanufaktúra Kft. Bricks: 11,158 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project with the students of Real Pearl Foundation, and currently displayed in the primary school in Körösszakál, Hungary
Liszt Kidz Academy logo Bricks: 9,216 Built and currently displayed in Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, Hungary Photo by Gábor Valuska. Courtesy of Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music
Rhino. Version 2 using second-hand elements Bricks: 8,543. Hours: 65 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project
Rhino. Version 1 Bricks: 5,412. Hours: 39 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project
Panda Bricks: 34,224 Built as part of our Environmental Protection project with the students of Bem József Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Know Your Rights. Original art by Toxicómano Callejero Bricks: 34,224 Built as part of our Changes Starts With You project with the students of Dharma Gate Buddhist High School, and currently displayed in the school in Alsószentmárton, Hungary
Gandhi Bricks: 34,224 Built as part of our Change Starts With You project with the students of Gandhi High School, and currently displayed in the school in Pécs, Hungary
David Bowie Bricks: 8,556. Hours: 44
Franz Schubert Bricks: 10,733. Hours: 17 Currently displayed in Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, Hungary
Arnold Schönberg Bricks: 5,458. Hours: 12 Currently displayed in Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, Hungary
Claudio Monteverdi Bricks: 8,637. Hours: 25 Currently displayed in Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, Hungary
Ludwig van Beethoven Bricks: 7,421. Hours: 32 Currently displayed in Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, Hungary
Sleepy Boy Bricks: 21,616 Built and currently displayed in the Pediatric Ward of Toldy Ferenc Town Hospital, Cegléd, Hungary
Conversation on the Campus Round tiles: 165,888 Joint project with Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) and LEGO Photo by Máté Lakos. Courtesy of MOME
Lewis Hamilton. Black Lives Matter Bricks: 9,100. Hours: 42 Built as part of our Change Starts With You project
Change Starts With You. Original art by Aracely Munoz Bricks: 8,900. Hours: 49
Monkey. Original art by Bordalo II and Okudart Bricks: 16,050. Hours: 75 Built as part of our Street Art and Eco project
GSC2020 album cover for Anima Sound System Bricks: 13,250. Hours: 30 Currently displayed in the studio of Anima Sound System, Martonvásár, Hungary
Our 2nd Banksy mosaic Bricks: 20,224 Built with primary school students as part of LEGO LCE's Street Art program
The Balloon. Original art by Pál Szinyei Merse Bricks: 20,736 Built on the Szinyei Family Day in Jósa András Museum, and currently displayed in the museum, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Eco-City mural. Original art by Christine Hempel Bricks: 34,224 Built with primary school students in Billund, Denmark
Mosaic to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall Bricks: 13,570. Hours: 105 Built for the German Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Cranes Bricks: 34,224 Joint project with LEGO LCE and Hortobágy National Park Currently displayed in Hortobágy National Park, Hortobágy, Hungary
Siófok Water Tower Bricks: 18,750 Built with secondary school students in Siófok, Hungary
József Bem portrait Bricks: 14,500 Built as part of our City project with the students of Bem József Primary School, and currenty displayed in the school in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Ottó Herman portrait Bricks: 11,200 Built as part of our City project with the students of Herman Ottó Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Emily Greene Balch portrait Bricks: 11,750 Built at Szeged Youth Festival, Szeged, Hungary as part of our Mix the Bricks 300 project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Pista Dankó portrait Bricks: 16,120 Built at Szeged Youth Festival, Szeged, Hungary as part of our Mix the Bricks 300 project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Mural built for the National Opening Ceremony of the Vocational School Year Bricks: 38,000. Hours: 192 Currently displayed in Nyíregyháza Center of Vocational Training, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Gusztáv Sikuta’s Hommage A Mondrian Bricks: 36,100 Built at the Night of Museums and currently displayed in Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary
Toni Morrison portrait Bricks: 36,100 Built with secondary school students in Balatonboglár, Hungary as part of our Mix the Bricks project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Jane Addams portrait Bricks: 36,100 Built with primary school students in Berettyóujfalu, Hungary as part of our Mix the Bricks project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Rad Napa. Original art by Felipe Pantone Bricks: 3,750 Built as part of our Street Art project
Rad Napa. Original art by Felipe Pantone Bricks: 3,750 Built as part of our Street Art project
Rad Napa. Original art by Felipe Pantone Bricks: 3,750 Built as part of our Street Art project
Rad Napa. Original art by Felipe Pantone Bricks: 3,750 Built as part of our Street Art project
Rad Napa. Original art by Felipe Pantone Bricks: 3,750 Built as part of our Street Art project
Nyíregyháza logo Bricks: 10,000 Built as part of our City project Currently displayed in the City Hall, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Deadpool Kitty Bricks: 20,160 Built at the 4th Skilled Trades Night in our school
Jesse Owens portrait Bricks: 36,100 Built with secondary school students in our school as part of our Mix the Bricks project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Rosa Parks portrait Bricks: 36,100 Built with secondary school students in Pécs, Hungary as part of our Mix the Bricks project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Katherine Johnson portrait Bricks: 36,100 Built with secondary school students in Alsószentmárton, Hungary as part of our Mix the Bricks project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Miklós Wesselényi portrait Bricks: 18,000. Hours: 60 Built for our school’s 50th anniversary as part of our City project Currently displayed in our school, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Michelle Obama portrait Bricks: 36,100 Built with secondary school students in Szeged, Hungary as part of our Mix the Bricks project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Kodály portrait Bricks: 20,160 Built with primary and secondary school students in collaboration with the Hungarian Charity Service of the Order of Malta in Pécs, Hungary
Louis Armstrong portrait Bricks: 36,100 Built with secondary school students in Pécs, Hungary as part of our Mix the Bricks project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Michael Jackson portrait Bricks: 36,100 Built with secondary school students in Nyíregyháza, Hungary as part of our Mix the Bricks project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Amelia Earhart portrait Bricks: 36,100 Built with secondary school students in Miskolc, Hungary as part of our Mix the Bricks project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Pale Blue Dot mural inspired by the photo taken by NASA Voyager 1 Bricks: 17,000. Hours: 36 Built in collaboration with the Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired as part of our Space Rulez project
Ferenc Puskás portrait Bricks: 2,700. Hours: 12
Bricks: 16,000 Built with primary school students as part of LEGO LCE's World Children’s Day program
Martin Luther King Jr portrait Bricks: 36,100 Built with secondary school students in Zalaegerszeg, Hungary as part of our Mix the Bricks project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
András Jósa portrait Bricks: 7,500. Hours: 40 Currently exhibited in Jósa András Museum, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
LEGO Education Innovation Studio and Nyíregyházi Egyetem logos Bricks: 11,900. Hours: 21 Built as part of our City project Currently displayed at the University of Nyíregyháza
The spaceman minifigure from 1978 Bricks: 46,080 Built as part of our Space Rulez project on LEGO Play Day in Nyíregyháza, Hungary Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Mary Jackson portrait Bricks: 8,500. Hours: 41 Built as part of our Mix the Bricks project with the US Embassy, Budapest, Hungary
Béla Bartók portrait Bricks: 9,000. Hours: 20 Built for the Béla Bartók 28th International Choir Competition and Folklore Festival in Debrecen, Hungary Currently displayed in Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, Hungary
Our LEGO version of Roy Liechtenstein’s Vicki in Ludwig Museum Bricks: 36,100 Built at the Night of Museums and currently displayed in Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary
Kodály portrait Bricks: 9,216 Built as part of the 135+1=Music Of The Future project in Lakitelek Folk High School, Lakitelek, Hungary
Apollo 17. Original artwork by Michael Kagan Bricks: 18,000 Built as part of our Space Rulez project in Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
FIRST LEGO League’s Mission MOON and INTO ORBIT logos Bricks: 24,000 and 36,100 respectively Built as part of our Space Rulez project in Debrecen, Hungary Currently displayed at LEGO Education, Billund, Denmark
Zoltán Kodály portrait Bricks: 11,500. Hours: 43 Built as part of the 135+1=Music Of The Future project Currently displayed at Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music, Budapest, Hungary
Teen Titans Go! Bricks: 19,000 Built at the 3rd Skilled Trades Night in our school
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Bricks: 15,000. Hours: 50 Built as part of our Space Rulez project
Deadpool. Original art by Alvin Lee Bricks: 11,000. Hours: 25
Lamborghini Urus Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Buzz Lightyear Bricks: 30,000 Built as part of our Space Rulez project in Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
SpaceX Falcon Heavy Bricks: 36,000 Built as part of our Space Rulez project in Zalaegerszeg, Hungary
NASA Voyagers' Golden Record Bricks: 8,500. Hours: 50 Built as part of our Space Rulez project
Deadpool. Original art by Matteo Lolli Bricks: 9,200. Hours: 45
Mars poster. Original art by NASA and JPL Bricks: 28,600 Built with secondary school students as part of our Space Rulez project in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
James Webb Space Telescope Bricks: 10,000. Hours: 32 Built as part of our Space Rulez project
Saturn V LEGO set and our Saturn V launch pad Bricks: 1,969 + 6,000. Hours: 45 Built as part of our Space Rulez project
Our Space Cowboy Bricks: 5,000. Hours: 25 Built as part of our Space Rulez project
Hubble. Original art by Oli Riches Bricks: 8,000. Hours: 35 Built as part of our Space Rulez project
Men on the Moon Bricks: 35,000 Built as part of our Space Rulez project in Debrecen, Hungary
Interstellar. Original art by Doaly Bricks: 32,250 Built as part of our Space Rulez project in Debrecen, Hungary
Deadpool unmasked. Original art by Mike Hawthorne Bricks: 11,000. Hours: 35
Deadpool. Original art by Tony Moore Bricks: 9,000. Hours: 22
Daredevil. Original art by Marko Manev Bricks: 8,000. Hours: 30
Darth Vader. Original art by Marko Manev Bricks: 8,200. Hours: 25
Armored Avenger. Original art by Marko Manev Bricks: 8,200. Hours: 21
Sentinel of Liberty. Original art by Marko Manev Bricks: 10,500. Hours: 49
Catwoman. Original art by Marko Manev Bricks: 7,400. Hours: 25
Watchmaker. Original art by Marko Manev Bricks: 8,500. Hours: 20
LEGO Anniversary build Bricks: 16,000. LEGO ducks: 537 Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Our 1:1 scale LEGO model of Buzz Aldrin’s Moon bootprint Built as part of our Space Rulez project
Our version of Majális by Pál Szinyei Merse Bricks: 46,000 Built at the Night of Museums and currently displayed in Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Guardians of the Galaxy. Original art by Doaly Bricks: 3,000. Hours: 28 Built as part of our Space Rulez project
Jucika. Original ar by Pál Pusztai Bricks: 6,000. Hours: 30 Built for the Night of Museums in Jósa András Museum, Nyíregyháza, Hungary Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Betty Boop. Original art by Max Fleischer Bricks: 6,400. Hours: 24 Built for the Night of Museums in Jósa András Museum, Nyíregyháza, Hungary Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Catwoman. Original art by Marko Manev Bricks: 8,400. Hours: 32 Built for the Night of Museums in Jósa András Museum, Nyíregyháza, Hungary Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Oh Jeff...I love you, too...but… Original art by Roy Lichtenstein Bricks: 20,000. Hours: 54 Built for the Night of Museums in Jósa András Museum, Nyíregyháza, Hungary Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Wonder Woman. Original art by Judit Tondora Bricks: 8,200. Hours: 40 Built for the Night of Museums in Jósa András Museum, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Striped Water revisited. Original art by Steve Purnell Bricks: 7,900. Hours: 49 Built as part of our Op-Art project Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Ferenc Puskás portrait Bricks: 13,000. Hours: 70
Touka. Original art by Sui Ishida Bricks: 46,000. Hours: 118 Built at the 2nd Skilled Trades Night in our school
Prancing Horse Bricks: 8,000. Hours: 50 Built as part of our Op-Art project Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Hungaroring for our school's robotic team Bricks: 20,000. Hours: 44
Mural built to express our condolences to the families of the sixteen Hungarian students tragically killed in a bus accident in Verona, Italy in 2017
The Dark Knight. Original art by Frank Miller Bricks: 9,000. Hours: 34 Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Deadpool original art by Declan Shalvey Bricks: 10,400. Hours: 56
Lamborghini Diablo Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Sóstó Zoo logo for our Eco project in collaboration with LEGO LCE and SóstóZoo Bricks: 10,000. Hours: 71 Currently displayed in SóstóZoo, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Extra builds for our Eco project
First build for our Eco project in collaboration with LEGO LCE and SóstóZoo
Divided by Night 2.0. Original art by Shane Turner Bricks: 11,000. Hours: 85 Built as part of our Op-Art project
Lamborghini Egoista Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Deadpool. Original art by Skottie Young Bricks: 9,700. Hours: 70
L’expo qui rend fou poster. Courtesy of Maison d’Ailleurs, Switzerland Bricks: 2,300. Hours: 20 Built as part of our Op-Art project
Lamborghini Veneno Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Lamborghini Centenario Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Lamborghini Sesto Elemento Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
nothing lasts forever. Original artwork by Anatol Knotek Bricks: 9,000. Hours: 22
Original graffiti by Banksy Bricks: 9,000. Hours: 40 Built as part of our street art project Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Lamborghini LM002 Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Deadpool. Original art by Reilly Brown Bricks: 5,800. Hours: 49
Darth Vader from 2015 and 2014
Bridget Riley portrait Built as part of our Op-Art project
Lamborghini Huracan Spyder Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Lamborghini Twitter 1,000,000 Tribute Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Lamborghini Reventon Roadster Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Lamborghini Bravo Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Lamborghini Miura Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Lamborghini Huracan Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Lamborghini Gallardo Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
LEGO Librarian built as part of our city project Bricks: 15,000. Hours: 30 Currently displayed in Móricz Zsigmond County and City Library, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Lamborghini Murcielago Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Op-Art Ferrari California. Courtesy of The Official Ferrari Magazine Bricks: 13,000. Hours: 70 Built as part of our Op-Art project Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Left to right: Vasarely. Bricks: 7,500. Hours: 40. Daniel Johns by WorkByKnight, Australia. Bricks: 12,000. Hours: 35. James Dean by Abderrahmane Doulache, France. Bricks: 13,000. Hours: 75 Built as part of our Op-Art project
Lamborghini Aventador Currently displayed in the LEGO factory, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Vega II. Courtesy of Victor Vasarely Museum, Pécs, Hungary Bricks: 8,000. Hours: 80 Built as part of our Op-Art project
Striped Water. Original artwork by Steve Purnell Bricks: 7,500. Hours: 40 Built as part of our Op-Art project
Vasarely. Original work courtesy of Fondation Vasarely, Aix-en-Provence, France Bricks: 11,000. Hours: 65 Built as part of our Op-Art project
James Dean. Original art by WorkByKnight Bricks: 2,500. Hours: 6 Photo by Attila Balázs
Kimi Raikkonen and Fernando Alonso portraits Built after a fantastic F1 race by the Scuderia Ferrari drivers on the Hungaroring, Hungary