2024. Erik Vilstrup Lorenzen, the Ambassador at the Danish Embassy in Hungary, and Chresten Bruun, General Manager of the LEGO factory in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
2024. Norbert Madaras, the President of the Hungarian Water Polo Federation
2024. Photo by András Szántó. Courtesy of Museum of Fine Arts
In 2024, we started our Diversity project, bringing the ideas of students from participating schools to life. We also kept up with our art projects because they always bring us fresh experiences and inspiration.
Our school Original art by Vivien Somogyi Elements: 26,773 Built with the students of Árpád, Grand Prince of the Hungarians, Primary School and Elementary Art School, and currently displayed in the school in Ibrány, Hungary
Mosaic for our school's RobotoSokk team as part of their First LEGO League project Elements: 4567
Music Elements: 6275 Built and currently displayed in Kodály Zoltán Primary School, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Our school's new logo and the mosaic for the Super Green project Elements: 18,824 Built and currently displayed in our school
Music Connects Us Original art by Liu Jinhuan Elements: 34,953 Built with the students of Kodály Zoltán Primary, Secondary and Music School, and currently displayed in the school in Budapest, Hungary
Acceptance Elements: 4610 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Csobaj Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Csobaj, Hungary
Diversity Elements: 11,952 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Szablocsvezér Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Tímár, Hungary
Magyi Tanoda Elements: 4628 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Magyi Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Magy, Hungary
Welcome Elements: 4307 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Kolibri Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Porcsalma, Hungary
Erdőhát Tanoda Elements: 5175 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Erdőhát Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Rozsály, Hungary
Unity Elements: 14,522 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Bocskai István Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary
We are different but we fit together Original art by Holly Orosz Elements: 33,950 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Kazinczy Ferenc Reformed Primary School and Kindergarten, and currently displayed in the school in Tiszaújváros, Hungary
Diversity Elements: 12,128 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of István Király Baptist Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Kótaj, Hungary
Tiszatarján Tanoda Elements: 4334 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Tiszatarján Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Tiszatarján, Hungary
Tudod-e Tanoda Elements: 2793 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Tudod-e Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Mezőcsát, Hungary
HB Tanoda Elements: 5729 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Hajdúböszörményi Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary
Be The Change Elements: 6006 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Napsugár Tele-Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Ópályi, Hungary
Vasvári Tanoda Elements: 7534 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Vasvári Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Tiszavasvári, Hungary
Varázs Világ Tanoda Elements: 3795 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Varázs Világ Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Tiszavasvári, Hungary
Görög Demeter Tanoda Elements: 3472 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Görög Demeter Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Hajdúdorog, Hungary
Hajdúnánási Tanoda Elements: 3698 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Hajdúnánási Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Hajdúnánás, Hungary
Tarnai Tanoda Elements: 9013 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Tarnai Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Újfehértó, Hungary
Mária Ház Tanoda Elements: 4426 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Mária Ház Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Tarcal, Hungary
Peace 2 Original art by Aches Elements: 23,867 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Petőfi Sándor Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Kecskemét Unified Special Education Methodological Institution Original art by Kecskemét USEMI, Angéla Oláh and Kristóf Hajnal Elements: 15,097 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Kecskemét Unified Special Education Methodological Institution, and currently displayed in the school in Kecskemét, Hungary
Vay Castle Original art by Zsolt Vári Elements: 34,953 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of the Primary School of Demecser Educational Center, and currently displayed in the school in Berkesz, Hungary
Our School Original art by Gergő Zám Elements: 24,213 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of the Secondary School of Demecser Educational Center, and currently displayed in the school in Demecser, Hungary
Elements: 3179 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of SzaFi Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Nyírgyulaj, Hungary
Elements: 6299 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Felfedező Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Benkőbokor, Hungary
Elements:7738 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Aranyhíd Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Nyírmártonfalva, Hungary
Elements: 3781 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Szitakötő Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center in Nyíracsád, Hungary
Ferenc II Rákóczi portrait Original art by: Hunor Kovács Elements: 21,153 Built and currently displayed in II. Rákóczi Ferenc Informatics and Mathematics Primary School and Vocational Secondary School in Bekecs, Hungary
Eiffel Torony (detail) Original art by Draw Attention Club Elements: 8659 Built as part of our Diversity project at Neurodiverz picnic in Pécs, Hungary
Parliament (detail) Elements: 7059 Diversity project Original art by Draw Attention Club Built and currently displayed in our school
Zsigmond Móricz Original art by Reich Károly. Coloured by Milán Bandzsók, Dániel Glonczi, Glória Szmoszna, Zalán Szőke Elements: 33,926 Built with the students of Móricz Zsigmond Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Prügy, Hungary
Eiffel Torony (detail) Original art by Draw Attention Club Elements: 8659 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Játékvarázs Tanoda in Kállósemjén, Hungary
...A Dream Original art by Draw Attention Club Elements: 33,926 Built as part of our Diversity project on Nyíregyházi Vocational Center's SzakMaFest Day in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Star Kaptain Kittizen Original art by Rob Anderson Elements: 34,953 Built at LEGO Játékváros event in University of Nyíregyháza, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Once Upon A Time Original art by Draw Attention Club Elements: 32,506 Built as part of our Diversity project in Buda Entertainment & Gastro, Budapest, Hungary, and at LEGO Játékváros event in University of Nyíregyháza, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Inverse Roma flag Elements: 3451 Built as part of our Diversity project, and currently displayed at Lippai Balázs Roma Special College of Debrecen University in Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary
Inverse Roma flag Elements: 3451 Built as part of our Diversity project, and currently displayed at Lippai Balázs Roma Special College of Debrecen University in Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary
Original art by Berna Réka Elements: 29.953 Built as part of our Diversity project in the Multifunctional Community Space, Nyírbátor, Hungary, and currently displayed in Kerekerdő Kindergarten of Nyírbátor, Nyírbátor, Hungary
DeMi Elements: 3185 Built and currently displayed at the University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary
LEGOLEM II Original art by Jakab Erdély Elements: 19,048 Built as part of our Diversity project, and currently displayed in Gólem Theatre, Budapest, Hungary
Jókai Differently Elements: 32,938 Built in Medgyessy Ferenc Commemorative Exhibition, Debrecen, Hungary, and currently displayed in Debrecen House of Literature in Debrecen, Hungary
Tales of Somogyszentpál revisited Elements: 20,748 Original art by iamsuzie_ Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Europa 2000 Secondary School, and currently displayed in the school in Budapest, Hungary
For Szofi 🫵🏽😘 Elements: 19,919 Original art by Bogi Túróczy Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Túróczy Zoltán Hungarian-English Bilingual School, and currently displayed in the school in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Game 🍒 Over Elements: 8437 Built on LEGO Play Day at Sóstó Open Air Museum, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
❤️ We are multicultural ❤️ Original art by Kristóf Csatádi Elements: 32,967 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Orchidea Hungarian-English Bilingual School, and currently displayed in the school in Budapest, Hungary
Solar System Elements: 32,482 Built and currently displayed in Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary
Chicken Original art by ZetaZeus Elements: 20,479 Built and currently displayed in DinDin Gallery, Budapest, Hungary
Portrait of a Family (Detail) Original art by Pieter de Hooch Elements: 9412 Built and currently displayed in the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Kádár Cube patterns Elements: 30,928 Built and currently displayed in Ludwig Museum, Budapest, Hungary
Original art by Virág Petra Nagy Elements: 23,751 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Lórántffy Zsuzsanna Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Pocsaj, Hungary
Embroidery of Hódmezővásárhely Elements: 9412 Built in Bessenyei Ferenc Cultural Center, Hódmezővásárhely, and currently displayed in Vásárhelyi Youth Center, Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary
The family is dining in the room (detail) Original art by András Süli Elements: 34,953 Built and currently displayed in the Village House of Algyő, Algyő, Hungary
Hungarian Water Polo Federation logo Elements: 11,350 Currently displayed in the Hungarian Water Polo Federation HQ, Budapest, Hungary
Lion 3D Hours: 137 Based on the original photo by Adrienn Vincze, designed by Péter Szalay Built and currently displayed in our school
"One Sees Clearly Only With The Heart" AdSE Elements: 28,687 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Hajdú-Bihar County Primary School, Secondary School, Vocational School, Technical School, and Students' Hostel, and currently displayed in the school in Debrecen, Hungary
I LOVE U MOTHER EARTH 02 Elements: 32,635 Built and currently exhibited in our school
Squirrel Elements: 8716 Built and currently displayed in the Institute of Educational Studies and Cultural Management of University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary
I LOVE U MOTHER EARTH Elements: 31,995 Built and currently displayed in Táncsics Mihály Cultural Center, Budapest, Hungary
Miklós Jósika portrait Original art by Mirjam Banga Elements: 31,861 Built with the students of Jósika Miklós German Minority Primary School and Elementary Art School, and currently displayed in the school in Napkor, Hungary
Géza Gárdonyi portrait Elements: 18,932 Built with the students of Gárdonyi Géza Elementary School, and currently displayed in the school in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Original art by Mark Rise Elements: 18,811 Built with the students of Kölcsey Ferenc Secondary School, and currently displayed in the school in Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Zoltán Kodály portrait Elements: 19,951 Built and currently displayed in Kodály Zoltán Primary School, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Us Original art by Sára Árvai Elements: 34,953 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Open Door Baptist Vocational School, and currently displayed in the school in Miskolc, Hungary
World Map Original art by Neil R. Kaye Elements: 51,668 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Szoboszlói Úti Primary School, and currently displayed in the school in Debrecen, Hungary
ECO Project Elements: 8640 Built with class 9/B and currently exhibited in our school
"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" Original art by ZetaZeus Elements: 40,164 Built, and currently displayed in Studio 22, Budapest, Hungary
AQUA SE Elements: 6112 Built as part of our Diversity project, and currently displayed in Nyíregyháza Athletics Centre, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
FIRST LEGO LEAGUE Elements: 9753 Built at the FLL Tournament, and currently displayed in Nyíregyháza University, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
RIDENS Elements: 9042 Built as part of our Diversity project in Zrínyi Ilona Secondary School and currently displayed in RIDENS Secondary School, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
Chance. Support. Knowledge. Acceptance Elements: 2874 Built as part of our Diversity project with the students of Iránytű Tanoda, and currently displayed in the after-school learning center, Ibrány, Hungary
Lion Elements: 2948 Built with LEGO Education Studio of Nyíregyháza University at Educatio exhibition at Hungexpo, Budapest, Hungary, and currently displayed in Nyíregyháza University, Nyíregyháza, Hungary
"HNPW" Elements: 19,984 Built at Educatio exhibition at Hungexpo, Budapest, Hungary